As an explorer, I believe in the theory that one gains knowledge through sensory experience. I am always down to try something at least once, whether it goes against mainstream society's boundaries or not, in order to add a notch of experience to my belt. As an avid reader, my "experiments" never go unresearched, so I usually know what I'm getting myself into.
Okay enough of the lame introduction to try to explain my sanity, I've used drugs. Just about all of them. (I WAS CURIOUS OKAY.) But I wanted to blog about my personal favorite: LSD. Inspired by a trip a buddy and I had a few nights ago, let me tell you, acid isn't for everyone. Everything is enhanced as far as your five senses go. It's not to drive on, and its not to wander out into society tripping balls either. Grab a couple trusted best friends, and a comfortable place where you wont be bothered for seven or so hours. Throw on The Division Bell by Pink Floyd, or The Beatles Love album, and enjoy. Doesn't sound too crazy does it.. but your life might be forever changed after the night, in a good way (shit, or bad), by the deepest perceptions of thought that cannot be explained while sober.
Like when I mean I cant explain it, I really cant explain it. It varies by the mind of the user. Thought goes so deep that I wish I could just write it all down as its happening in that very moment. WAIT A MINUTE, THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT I'LL DO!
Yeah, this week I'm writing a post while I'm under the influence of lsd. Call me a wackjob all you want, the power of creative thought on lucy is something many people do not understand. So I'm going to see how it goes. Stay tuned.
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