Wednesday, November 21, 2012

A Blessing to Live in Michigan - ELECTRIC FOREST

So this past summer was my first ever experience at Michigan's Electric Forest, a festival of music and arts of all sorts. Being from the mitten myself, I cannot believe how blessed I am to live a couple hours away from this thing. People make the trip from all over the country to experience this world for three days. And when I say "world", I mean it's like nothing I have ever experienced before. Like many big festivals, this was a gathering of some of the most free-spirited, fun people from all over the country. A creation of a new society,  where the rules from the outside world just don't apply here.

Lets not get it confused though. This is no five star resort. Camping out in a crammed area in 95 degree weather, waiting in line to take a piss in a portajohn is not for everyone. I don't know if I'd go into too many details of everything you saw at EF in a discussion with your parents either. Keep it simple.

Drugs and alcohol are more than encouraged. Chances are you won't be sober at any point of the festival. If at one point you felt like dancing around butt ass naked, go for it. The freedom is unbelievable. There are no arguments, and there are no fights between anyone, despite all the substance. Everyone is friends here and your camp neighbors become family for a few days. 

Did I mention there's a glow-in-the-dark disc golf course? AND a waterpark? 

By day the festival has live acts of all sorts. Lots of jam bands and stuff. Art everywhere. At night its a huge rave of the best sounds in electronic music. 

But hands down the best part of this festival is the actual Sherwood Forest. The forest takes some walking to get to, but is without a doubt one of the most sought out and applauded attractions within the festival. I can't even describe it really. The lights are fantastic. There's music. There's bars to get a drink. There's hammocks if you need a rest.  If you feel like climbing a tree to get a better view, go for it. Not to mention the fact that the forest will literally change your perception of life if you experience it on a psychedelic. I highly recommend it. 

Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I have no problem saying that I am thankful to live two and a half hours away from Rothbury. Electric Forest isn't for everyone, but for the avid explorers, risk takers, and creative minds, you will have no problem enjoying yourself. You will meet so many awesome people from everywhere; with each a new story or knowledge to bring to the table. Valuable wisdom can be acquired here. Something to experience before you die? You bet. 

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